Binary data construction


    name: "hello.txt",
    data: "Hello World!",
    contentType: "text/plain",
    encoding: "utf-8"


Constructs a binary value (a file) with the specified values. Such a value can be stored in an attribute of type tl.core:Binary and offered for download.


Name Type Description Mandatory Default
name String Name of the file yes -/-
data Any File content. If the value is itself a binary value, it will be taken unchanged. If the content type is application/json, a JSON representation will be created for the object. Otherwise, the string representation of the value will be used and stored in the specified character set. yes -/-
contentType String MIME type of the file, e.g. "text/plain" for a text file or "application/json" for an object in JSON format. no Derived from the file name.
encoding Character string The character set to use for textual content. Has no meaning for other content. no "utf-8"
size Number Length of binary data, -1, if not known. no -1

Return value

Type: binary value

A representation of a file. In the above example, it is a text file named "hello.txt" and the content "Hello world!" encoded in the character set "utf-8". If the value is used as a return value of a custom action of a button, the data will be offered to the user as a download.