

	ifElse($test, $then, $else)

$test.ifElse($then, $else)


Returns the result of the evaluation of then or else depending on the evaluation of test. If the evaluation of test is true, then then is evaluated and the result is returned, otherwise else.

Alternative notation for if($text, $then, $else), which sometimes fits more legibly into an evaluation chain, see if .

For case distinctions where multiple conditions must be evaluated, there is the alternative switch syntax. This avoids the nesting of conditions and leads to a much better readability in this case.


Name Type Description Mandatory Default
test Business object An expression that returns true or false after evaluation. yes
then Business object An expression that evaluates when test returns true . yes
else Business object An expression that evaluates if test results in false. yes

Return value

Type: Business object

The result of evaluating then or else, depending on the result of test.


  x = 55;
  ($x % 10 == 0).ifElse($x / 10, $x * 2)

Output: 110

If x is divisible by 10, the result of x/10 is returned. Otherwise the result of x*2