

	tuple($coord1 -> $expr1, $coord2 -> $expr2,..., $coordN -> $exprN)


The expression evaluates to a collection of transient tuple objects with properties coord1 to coordN.

The objects are structured as follows: The expression expr1 is evaluated and for each element of the result set, the variable coord1 is assigned this result and then the expression expr2 is evaluated. The expression expr2 may contain the expression coord1 in order to access the result of the evaluation of expr1. The process is continued with all expressions up to exprN. In this process, the expression exprN is allowed to access all variables coord1 through coord[N-1]. A transient tuple object is created from each complete set of variable assignments coord1 through coordN and returned as the result of the expression.


Name Type Description Mandatory Default
coord Business object Properties yes
expr Number/string/boolean/buisness object/set Object to be evaluated and stored in coord. yes

Return value

Type: Set

A set of all evaluated tuples.