Start of the new application

Immediately after creation, the new application is ready to run. To start the application, it can either be imported into Eclipse (see next page) and started via the generated launch configuration (located in the project folder under bin > launch > Start -myAppname-.launch, right-click Run As/Debug As), or the application can be started on the command line via Maven.
For starting via Maven, the following command must be executed in the newly created project folder:


Log messages appear on the command line during the boot process. After the application is started, a browser window opens and prompts for login. Initially, the user root is created with the initial password root1234.

The above command (Maven without parameters) is a shorthand for here:

mvn tl:resolve compile exec:java

Goal tl:resolve missing dependencies from the TopLogic Maven repository, compile builds the application and exec:java launches the application directly in development mode without packaging and deployment. It launches an empty TopLogic, where you could start with the TopLogic tutorial.

Once the application is up, you can log in at the following address:


The username is root, and the initial password is prominently printed to the console at the completion of the startup process (up to version 7.6.0, the initial password was fixed root1234). At startup, the initial password can also be specified using the -Dtl_initial_password=<my-password> system property.

Shutting down the application

The application is running in development mode and can therefore be stopped by retrieving the following URL:


Set alternative port (from 7.6.1)

If the port 8080 is in use, the parameter -Dtl.port=8081 can be used to select an alternative port (e.g. 8081) for starting the application in the development environment:

mvn -Dtl.port=8081