Connection process and data model

One run of the process model corresponds to one process instance. In this example, this is represented by the type ticket.

This means that a new ticket is created with every process start (create ticket) and information about the ticket is displayed and recorded in forms within the process.

Technically, the module "Workflow execution" offers the type "Process instance".

This type is now selected as the superclass of Ticket, i.e. "Ticket" inherits from Process instance and thus becomes a compatible model type for the process definition.

Thus all properties of a process instance are also properties of the ticket (inheritance).

These include a sequential number, a runtime in minutes, a person as contact or a UserID as creator.

Set process instance as upper type of ticket

In the Model Editor From the Workflow Execution module, drag the Process Inscance type into the ticket's diagram and then insert an inheritance relation between ticket and process instance:

Set ticket as model type of process definition.

In the process editor , click on the column with the process name in the process diagram and edit the process properties.

There, select the Ticket class in the Model Type field and save the changes:

Assigning the Ticket class as the model type defines the type of instances of this process. With every start of the process (creation of a process instance), a new ticket is thus created.

In the configurations of the process steps (e.g. form editors), the defined properties of the Ticket class are now available for shaping the user interface.