Application execution

Switch to the Process Cockpit main tab.

All active processes are displayed here. After a process definition has been released, it is presented here as a tile with the stored display information (icon, title, description).

By clicking on this process tile, the execution level of this process definition is displayed. There are always 3 tiles to choose from here:

  1. Start of a new process run (in this example: "Set ticket").
  2. Current tasks: Inbox or task queue of the logged-in user with (according to his process roles) pending tasks (e.g. the processing of a ticket).
  3. My processes: Lister of those process runs that have been started by the logged-in user himself in order to track their process status (active task) (e.g. the tickets he has created himself)

Title, description and icon images of these tiles can be customized in the process definition to suit the specific business context.

Create ticket

If this tile is clicked, the form definition of the first process step is displayed.

Completion of the process step, transition to the next step:

Current tasks

In the execution level of the process cockpit, the task to check this ticket is now displayed as "current task".

The task pool shows "current tasks" as a table of all active process tasks (in the selected process) for the logged-in user.

Via the table menu, the column configuration of the table can be adapted to the specialist use case (e.g. task, ticket number, creator, title, description, product version, etc.).

A manager can now continue processing under "Current tasks" and transfer the ticket to the next process step, which would create a "current task" for the assigned developers.

My procecces

The created ticket is also displayed to the creating user under "my processes".

Here, the logged-in user will find process instances created by him/herself (here tickets) and can track their processing in the process.

My processes" is presented as a table of all process instances (of the selected process), in our example "tickets".

Via the table menu, the column configuration of the table can be adapted to the business use case (e.g. ticket number, creator, title, description, product version, etc.).