Bugfix Enhancement

Keyword: SecurityIssue


Checking dependencies for security vulnerabilities
Force password change when administrator assigns password


Update library log4j to version >= 2.16.0
Update CKEditor to version 4.19.1
Encrypt Pepper in Argon Hashing


EncodeConfigurationValues.jsp writes unquoted parameters to the GUI
Remove dependency on apache-mime4j-0.3.jar
Raise dependency pac4j to version 5.3.1
Raise dependency H2 to version 2.1.210
Remove dependency openxml4j
Update Jetty to 9.4.45.v20220203
Udate POI to version 5.2.2
Update jsoup to version 1.14.3 and guice to version 5.1.0
Update commons-io to version 2.11.0
Remove TL Remote
replace itext 2.1.7 with openpdf 1.3.27
Configuration uses unencrypted SMTP and IMAP password
Application monitor "Environment variables" may display safety-critical values
Service Editor displays "secret" of the OpenID service
ChartJS Update to 3.9.1
JSoup Update to 1.15.3
Update Batik Graphics to 1.15
Jackson FasterXML Update to 2.13.4
Batik update to 1.16
Update Dependency Check to version 7.4.4 or above