Instance editor: display error when editing compositions
Editing compositions was previously enabled as a pop-up dialog, now a composition table is rendered inline in the column.
- Tables may no longer be displayed in table cells, anywhere.
- Select the type Demo A in the Instance Browser.
- Check the columns children, containment and priorityTable.
- Also in edit mode.
- Open the dialog for these columns.
- Show all columns in the dialog.
- Check all columns: They must not work worse than in the grid in edit mode.
- Some attributes may look broken. In this case check that they are also broken in the grid in edit mode. The reason is the missing implementation of the tables representation of these attributes. It is not part of this ticket to implement table representation of all possible attribute types. This ticket was about the fact that the representation in these tables should not be worse than in normal tables and the grid in edit mode.
- In the Instance Browser select the type Demo B or Demo B-not-under-A.
- Here check the Children column in Edit mode and open the dialog for it. Also check the displayed Demo A as described above.