
Object representation in the form via HTML templates
New theme: "Core"


Mega Menu
TL-Script: Macros "Stored Expressions"
JMS connection
Refactoring of User Management
Tree and table components: Extended drop function
TL-Script: Graph-Traversal
Display for log of the current session
Layout editor: Toggle buttons
TLScript: JSON parser, PDF text extraction
Performance: Preload for I18N attributes
Performance: Preload for bulk operations in TL script
TL script: Access to user/session-local state
Standardize scrollbars & prevent them from taking up space
Be able to swap components to a separate window / separate screen if required
Integration of the application name in the footer for both themes and adjustments in the sidebar
Core Condensed Theme


Form editor / Model: Dynamic Mandatory Annotation
Declare TextInput HTML templates
Label provider for objects without ID column/name
Replace old hover implementations
Log the active thread if threads time out in the RequestLock
Re-enable Spotbugs
TLScript: instanceof() with dynamic type
Tree components: New component channel "selectionPath"
TLScript: Function $givenType.isCompatible($expectedType)
Standardized naming "TopLogic" and "TL-Script"
Extend log entries to include the session
Excel export for the "Log entries" view
Improve the behavior of Enter in dialogs
MetaConf: Comment out lines with #
SQL migration: H2 as a fallback for PostgreSQL
Better error message if calculated attribute returns incompatible values
Escape in dialogs should close them
TL-Script: Formatted output (HTML) of info
Edit components: Extended configuration of the "Apply" command
Note when saving forms - what is a standard form?
Access to the model for dynamic and calculated columns
Further UI actions: Refresh and jump
Maximize layout component: Possibility for in-app configuration of maximizable layouts
Display of the TopLogic logo in all applications
Formats for currencies and other units
Display of a classification attribute in the form as a radio button list
TL script: Access to icons, e.g. of specialized objects
Set initial values in the ConfigItems editing dialog
Add a theme variable for the font family in the core theme
Select field with CSS class

Nice to have

Remove other unnecessary type parameters (recognized by Eclipse 4.30)


Error when using a form template
Incremental model upgrade may remove inverse references
Crash when restarting services
Core theme: Grid rows have different heights in edit mode/on selection
TL-Script function registry: StackOverflow for recursively calling functions
Incorrect creation of an inverse reference during migration
Core theme: Fields in ID columns do not fill the column width
Core theme: New application does not have the core theme as default theme
Core theme: Dependence on the Legacy Modern theme


Default values for attributes of transient objects are not taken into account
Singletons can be deleted in the instance browser
I18N string as name attribute of structure returns error
Fix SpotBugs Warnings
Update ActiveMQ dependencies
Missing treegrid updates for many object creations
Missing "historyType" for migrated references
Design mode burger menu disappears in tile views after form editing
Core theme: Error in form editor in tl-demo (type A)
Core theme: Superfluous scroll bars
Core theme: Missing formatting for theme names
Component sizes in tl-demo not adapted to the core theme
Core theme: Sort column asymmetrical
Inconsistent behavior of the TL script function sort()
Missing annotation @Retention(RUNTIME) at the annotation @NoDialogContentCheck
Annotation "Visible columns" is confusing
Correction of the restore functionality for maximized layout components and bug fixes in the administration view
NPE when creating an enum in the diagram
Problems with displaying and updating the mega menu
Obfuscated configuration values: Prefix 'unencrypted:' sometimes does not work
Core theme: Title field too small
Model editor: Diagram disappears when creating a supertype
Support UTF8 characters in the password (and user name)
Error when displaying transient objects in tables
I18N fields cannot be emptied
Data type "Time" does not work
HTML templates: Foreach attributes cannot access variables that are not defined in the model
HTML templates: Access to properties of variable content directly in the template
Unnecessary annotation update for data types
TL-Script: date() Constructor returns value with current time
GridTreeTableNodeLabelNaming records path that cannot be resolved
Button "Current version" cannot be removed
Grid allows editing of historical objects
FormContainer: Adding new members not observable
Missing authorization for standard views of all users in the user settings menu
Setting components do not hide if no authorization is assigned
Buttons in the button menu do not indicate whether they are executable
Help ID and content visually indistinguishable
Components in tile views cannot be maximized
Mandatory I18N attributes require input in all languages

Nice to have

Missing paragraph spacing in tooltip content


New theme: "Core"


Standardize scrollbars & prevent them from taking up space
Core theme: Grid rows have different heights in edit mode/on selection
Core theme: Fields in ID columns do not fill the column width
Integration of the application name in the footer for both themes and adjustments in the sidebar
Core Condensed Theme


Label provider for objects without ID column/name
Improve the behavior of Enter in dialogs
Missing treegrid updates for many object creations
Escape in dialogs should close them
Core theme: Superfluous scroll bars
Core theme: Missing formatting for theme names
Component sizes in tl-demo not adapted to the core theme
Core theme: Sort column asymmetrical
Correction of the restore functionality for maximized layout components and bug fixes in the administration view
Display of the TopLogic logo in all applications
Problems with displaying and updating the mega menu
Core theme: Title field too small
Missing authorization for standard views of all users in the user settings menu
Buttons in the button menu do not indicate whether they are executable
Help ID and content visually indistinguishable
Mandatory I18N attributes require input in all languages

Nice to have

Missing paragraph spacing in tooltip content


New theme: "Core"


Refactoring of User Management
Display for log of the current session
Core theme: Dependence on the Legacy Modern theme


Update ActiveMQ dependencies
Improve the behavior of Enter in dialogs
Formats for currencies and other units


Refactoring of User Management