The configuration dialogs sometimes have complex configuration options where it is not clear from the name alone what the option means. It would be ideal if, similar to the context completion in the TL script editor, a context help window would appear next to the option list if context help is available for an option.
Using the Mega Menu
A mega menu can be built in two ways (a `SelectField` is used in the examples):
You can convert an existing tl:FormField into a Mega Menu as long as it is **not multiple**. The Mega Menu does not support this. If an attempt is made to render a multiple tl:FormField as a Mega Menu, an error message is displayed on the application and the field is not rendered.
#!div" Code for conversion: {{{#!java SelectFieldName.setControlProvider(com.top_logic.layout.form.control.MegaMenuControl.CP.INSTANCE); }}}
The second option would be to instantiate a SelectField. The new SelectField must then be inserted into the JSP file with the name of the instance of the control provider. By right-clicking on the instance in the CP class that is in the tl:MegaMenuControl class, the "Qualified Name" required for the JSP can be copied.
#!div" Java code for instantiating a select field: {{{#!java SelectField megaMenuOptionsBiggest = FormFactory.newSelectField("smallestMegaMenuOptions", megaMenuSelectListSmallest, false, false); }}}
#!div" JSP file: {{#!java <form:label name="smallestMegaMenuOptions" /> <form:customname="smallestMegaMenuOptions" controlProvider="<%= com.top_logic.layout.form.control.MegaMenuControl.CP.INSTANCE %>" /> }}}
Start the application and test the Mega Menu.