Update application
When a new TopLogic version becomes available, you can upgrade your own application to this new version with the following command (to be executed in the main directory of the application, where the file pom.xml
is also located):
mvn versions:update-parent
In addition to updating the dependencies, it may be necessary to adapt the configuration files of the application and any custom plug-ins to the new TopLogic version. Corresponding descriptions can be found in the release notes of the respective target version. The target version to which the update was made can be found in the output of the above command:
[INFO] --- versions-maven-plugin:2.15.0:update-parent (default-cli) @ my-old-app ---
[INFO] Updating parent from 7.5.2 to 7.6.0
In the example above, the application was upgraded from TopLogic version 7.5.2
to 7.6.0
If you start the application from a development environment such as Eclipse, you must load the dependent resource packages before the next start (when starting via Maven with mvn
this happens automatically):
mvn tl:resolve