Improved process flow

To enter these conditions, we switch to the "Process Editor" and click on the respective link. Here we can add the above conditions under Properties (names may have to be adjusted).

Now, the developer can no longer forward the ticket to the tester in the case of "has solution status" "not solved" (recognizable by a ! to the left of "Implement change" and a red triangle to the right of it when it is selected) and the same applies to the other actors.

If we now declare the respective gateway as automatic, then when the developer or tester closes the tasks, the ticket automtich is sent to the responsible person.

To declare the gateway as automatic, we click on the corresponding gateway in the "Process Editor", then on the edit icon of the properties and set the checkmark for Automatic.

So that the user does not have to select the next task each time, we add a gateway in the workflow, name the outgoing link, declare it as automatic and select the name of the edge (In the example Standard) as the default path.