
PostgreSQL support
Form Editor
Context menu
Theme editor
Theme "discreet
Create new views in the application
TL Script Editor with Context Help
Model export to the development environment
JavaDoc for Top-Logic
Translation service


Grid: Unification of selection behavior
File upload via drag&drop directly from the client's file system
Grid: merging filter and sort buttons in column header
Tables: Evaluation row
Control rendering via templates
XML editor with syntax highlighting
Replace hardcoded icon references with theme variables
Create ConfigurationDescriptor from XML file
Themes export and import
Allow sending emails that have recipients only in CC or BCC
Simplify the "Document lock" function.
Comment field for documents
Persistence of settings in selection dialogs
Optimized Jetty Startup in the IDE
Simplified layout templates with calculated alias variables
TL script: Count function
Create values for composite attributes inline
Migration: Rewriter that transforms attribute with XSL
Representation of foreign objects in BPE
Transferring specialist definitions to BPE Ex/Importer
Optionally inherit type default from attribute annotations
Set model annotations to table definitions
Internationalizable log messages
Typed configuration: allow properties with ValueFormat and ValueBinding simultaneously
Enter translations for `ResKey`s in declarative forms
Exact version information on the monitor page
New login page
Automatic data migration for newly created tables


Parameterize renderer
Generalize Config Item Templates to Rendering Templates
LockStrategy for Interfaces
Upload binary data in declarative forms
Theme configurations in a separate file
Dialog for creating multiple ConfigurationItems
Update Jetty to 9.4.22
Use model factory with default name without factory annotation
Upload option of fonts in theme editor
GUI assertion FormField#isMandatory()
Configurative "Mandatory" Override for Properties in Declarative Forms
Typed configuration: serialize BinaryData properties by default
Script recorder - export/import of templates
Script Recorder: Make "Select Server Script" hideable.
Make TLKafkaProducer extensible.
Layout refactoring: restructure (admin) layouts so that .layout.xml and component XML are adjacent
MigrationProcessor for deleting the saved application model
Multiple inheritance for themes
External module for PostgreSQL driver
Using TL Script Editor for Script Attributes and Properties
Annotate width of text field at model attribute
Title for table definitions in workflow steps
Possibility to open an editor in dialogs in edit mode
Display of non-process attributes
General layout option: resetInvisible
No points in environment variables
GenericObject as default database table
Service inspection
remove loginscreen.png in POS
Configurable exception lists in EditAttributedComponent
Grid: Deselection with Ctrl-Click
Automatic text wrapping for long lines for the code editor
TL-Script expression to evaluate a dynamic attribute
LabelProvider by expression
Main properties for MetaAttributes table
Customization of grid layouts in the Element module
ShowSystemEnvironment.jsp: Alphabetical sorting.
Remove hard icon reference in grid.xml
Use of labels of subject objects in messages
BPE: Unify task transition error text and condition
Display of "_self" column in FormEditor table
Display of a static HTML in the form editor
Enable "Standard" Links in WYSIWYG Editor
Migration: Enable version downgrade
Directory (LDAP) Account Sync without explicit group access
Scripting: ModelNamingScheme for the selection of selectables
Dealing with large file sizes during uploads through file drops
FileDropHandler: Improve error messages
Improving the completion of a task
Dynamic dialog titles
Missing JSP attribute "wholeLine" for basic:fieldset
Macro as GUI element in the form editor
Introduce feature sets in StructuredTextConfigService
Typed configuration: no error when accessing mandatory properties that are not set
ResKey: Optional key for literal `ResKey`s, better XML format
com.top_logic.layout.form.template.model.Template for HTML code
Make FormEditor dialog in a programmatic dialog
Better positioning of administration components
Display hidden attributes in shape editor
MediaQueryControl should be LayoutControlAdapter
Dynamically adjust the number of lines to the content of the code editor
Enhanced API for TypedAnnotatable
Specify a reason if lines cannot be removed
Typed configuration: use short cut format for item-value properties for serialization
Update Font Awesome to version 5.13.0
Focus tables
PropertyEditor for TLFormDefinition
FormBuilder for a type using the implicit FormDefinition.
Offer forms of super types as templates to extend
Buttons to reset the form
Provide checkAll to FormContainer
Be able to prevent recording of all actions in the dialog
Save layout back to file system
Assertion on the error text of a FormField
Treat deploy aspects like "normal" web apps
Show Teminplan in Tile Demo
Register WindowComponent to the MainLayout of the opener
Scripting of creation of new views
Display of the messages of an exception in the info service
Better error behavior if layout configuration is invalid
Declarative configuration shall extend programmatic
Differentiation between active and disabled buttons in the "modern" header
BinaryDataFactory: Create BinaryData from InputStream and name
Info type display without icon and header in info service
DefaultProvider via expression
Special group "Other attributes" in the shape editor

Nice to have

Abstract base class for ControlProvider for FormMember
TableData: getOwner() to be included in the API
ConfigurationItem for internationalized texts without description
TL-Sync: Set Kafka bootstrap servers via Java property
Replace hover classes loaded by javascript with hover pseudo classes
Typed configuration: utility for parsing with custom root tag
Utility to integrate Maven dependencies into a TL module
Assertion for selection in TreeTableComponent
Set default encoding of files in the project
Dump JSP into the standard maintenance pages
Remove static SQL statements, instead route dynamically via DBHelper
Wrapper generation for multiple modules
Service method for creating a SortConfig
TL-Script Macros: Allow dynamic content in protected attributes (SafeHTML)


Incorrect AssociationCache update in commit


Configured resource provider is not found for historical objects
Possible infinite loop in AbstractKBCache
Structure editor: Different line height Flex vs Fix
Tree table renders checkboxes for all nodes
Incorrect dialog name in POSDelegateStructureHTMLTree
User can no longer create bookmark links


Mandatory attributes cannot be (temporarily) set to zero
Order of buttons in *SelectorContext not consistent with the rest
Session service logs only the Apache facade address
Burger menu rendering error
Removal of unnecessary inline styles
Add missing ThemeVariables
RiskItemFactory: Switch to typed configuration
Typed configuration: U.u. Incorrect "Outer" reference resolution
Time-dependent test in Project Demo
The callback URL configuration of the Pac4jConfigFactory does not serve as a fallback for the client configuration
Tooltips of non-executable commands in the burger menu are not displayed
Missing authorization for new workflow version
Saving script templates in the Script Recorder not possible
TLScript code completion plugin does not work in Internet Explorer
GUI Inspector dialog no longer opens for buttons
Table text filter count empty entries
Incorrect export/import of ScriptRecorderTemplates
Migration: Model update may delete attributes if their type changes
Upload of a document version via drag & drop without lock not possible
TL Script Editor: code block in the description of a completion not on one line in IE
Font Awesome is missing from the third-party libraries table
Unwanted margin in the Gantt page bar
Tree-Table: Selection is lost when collapsed
Swap order jsDiagram / Themes Modern in CP
Advanced search form for wide
Unwanted line break when displaying a URL
Inactive create button of a grid is too bright in sidebar theme
Change log configuration in the application no longer possible
LabelProvider for BinaryData objects
More errors in reactive forms
FileDropHandler: waitPane sometimes does not disappear
Maxmiert property with dialogs is lost
Incorrect filtering in tree tables with non-existing attributes
Update problem company detail view
Warnings in the log for layout files
Use `config-type` configured on attributes for ColumnConfiguration
Check-Changed on selection in BPMN diagram
Label column in token table does not exist
Webfolder is rendered too small
Committee tests fail if they are executed at certain times of the day
TopLogicServlet must not redirect to login in case of errors
Erroneous update of KBCache's
New document description is not displayed in other WebFolder views
Double button in the sidebar
Changes to the edited BPMN diagram can be lost
Wrong model update when switching to edit mode
BPE Process Editor does not save "Automatic" setting for branches correctly
ModuleLayout does not resolve workspace directory properly
Dialogs of external windows are displayed in the main window
ThemeVariables of the layout are not resolved correctly
Too many buttons in sidebar layout
NullPointer during drag'n'drop of selected ApplicationAction
ReplayHistory does not find its control on fast PageReload

Nice to have

Unnecessary import in SubtypesProvider


Form Editor
Context menu
Theme "discreet
Create new views in the application


Grid: Unification of selection behavior
File upload via drag&drop directly from the client's file system
Grid: merging filter and sort buttons in column header
Themes export and import
Simplify the "Document lock" function.
Comment field for documents
Persistence of settings in selection dialogs
Representation of foreign objects in BPE
Structure editor: Different line height Flex vs Fix
Transferring specialist definitions to BPE Ex/Importer
Tree table renders checkboxes for all nodes
Incorrect dialog name in POSDelegateStructureHTMLTree
New login page
User can no longer create bookmark links


Order of buttons in *SelectorContext not consistent with the rest
Session service logs only the Apache facade address
Burger menu rendering error
Upload option of fonts in theme editor
Script recorder - export/import of templates
Tooltips of non-executable commands in the burger menu are not displayed
Missing authorization for new workflow version
Using TL Script Editor for Script Attributes and Properties
Annotate width of text field at model attribute
Title for table definitions in workflow steps
Saving script templates in the Script Recorder not possible
Display of non-process attributes
Grid: Deselection with Ctrl-Click
Table text filter count empty entries
Incorrect export/import of ScriptRecorderTemplates
Automatic text wrapping for long lines for the code editor
BPE: Unify task transition error text and condition
Upload of a document version via drag & drop without lock not possible
Display of "_self" column in FormEditor table
Font Awesome is missing from the third-party libraries table
Display of a static HTML in the form editor
Enable "Standard" Links in WYSIWYG Editor
Unwanted margin in the Gantt page bar
Tree-Table: Selection is lost when collapsed
Advanced search form for wide
Unwanted line break when displaying a URL
Inactive create button of a grid is too bright in sidebar theme
Dealing with large file sizes during uploads through file drops
FileDropHandler: Improve error messages
Improving the completion of a task
Macro as GUI element in the form editor
Change log configuration in the application no longer possible
More errors in reactive forms
FileDropHandler: waitPane sometimes does not disappear
Display hidden attributes in shape editor
Incorrect filtering in tree tables with non-existing attributes
Update problem company detail view
Update Font Awesome to version 5.13.0
Offer forms of super types as templates to extend
Buttons to reset the form
Check-Changed on selection in BPMN diagram
Label column in token table does not exist
Webfolder is rendered too small
New document description is not displayed in other WebFolder views
Double button in the sidebar
Changes to the edited BPMN diagram can be lost
Wrong model update when switching to edit mode
BPE Process Editor does not save "Automatic" setting for branches correctly
Show Teminplan in Tile Demo
Scripting of creation of new views
Dialogs of external windows are displayed in the main window
Better error behavior if layout configuration is invalid
Differentiation between active and disabled buttons in the "modern" header
ThemeVariables of the layout are not resolved correctly
Too many buttons in sidebar layout
NullPointer during drag'n'drop of selected ApplicationAction
ReplayHistory does not find its control on fast PageReload
Info type display without icon and header in info service


Context menu
Create new views in the application
JavaDoc for Top-Logic


Grid: Unification of selection behavior
File upload via drag&drop directly from the client's file system
Grid: merging filter and sort buttons in column header
Tables: Evaluation row
Replace hardcoded icon references with theme variables
Simplify the "Document lock" function.
Persistence of settings in selection dialogs
Simplified layout templates with calculated alias variables
Optionally inherit type default from attribute annotations
Enter translations for `ResKey`s in declarative forms
Incorrect dialog name in POSDelegateStructureHTMLTree


Parameterize renderer
Update Jetty to 9.4.22
RiskItemFactory: Switch to typed configuration
Make TLKafkaProducer extensible.
Layout refactoring: restructure (admin) layouts so that .layout.xml and component XML are adjacent
No points in environment variables
Customization of grid layouts in the Element module
Remove hard icon reference in grid.xml
Upload of a document version via drag & drop without lock not possible
Dealing with large file sizes during uploads through file drops
Introduce feature sets in StructuredTextConfigService
Make FormEditor dialog in a programmatic dialog
Enhanced API for TypedAnnotatable
Specify a reason if lines cannot be removed

Nice to have

Dump JSP into the standard maintenance pages
Unnecessary import in SubtypesProvider


BPE: Unify task transition error text and condition