When creating a new application with "Project Models", the following message appears in the log and an NPE appears:
No such source component templates/levelOneOrgUnitTree.xml#organizationStructure_navigationTree at file:///home/bhu/devel/tl-studio-latest/my.app/dialogs/meetingDialog.layout.xml(com.top_logic.committee)(dialogs/meetingDialog.layout.xml(com.top_logic.committee),committee/committeeMeetingSheet.xml(com.top_logic.committee),project/meetings/meetingSheet_shared.xml(com.top_logic.project.pos)), line 39, column 6': templates/levelOneOrgUnitTree.xml#organizationStructure_navigationTree.
- Check out TL-Studio http://svn/svn/releases/TL-Studio-7/tl-studio-7.2.0-r289428/tl
- Create new application "my.app" with all modules (especially "Project models").
- Start application.
The required component is located in com.top_logic.project.demo, but a new application does not depend on it, so the dialog cannot be loaded. Therefore this and other dialogs must not be included directly in Pos. Therefore they were removed from com.top_logic.project.pos/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/GlobalDialogs.xml and moved to com.top_logic.project.pos/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/projectDialogs.xml so that only the modules that implement them can include them.\ The same goes for the committee dialogs, which are now in com.top_logic.committee/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/committeeDialogs.xml. \\ The com.top_logic.project.pos/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/GlobalDialogs.x ml have been moved to com.top_logic.project.demo/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/GlobalDialogs.xml, since the required dialogs exist there and can be included. The same applies to com.top_logic.committee/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/GlobalDialogs.xml, which has been moved to com.top_logic.board/webapp/WEB-INF/layouts/GlobalDialogs.xml.
- build TL-Studio with create_studio_all in Ant > tl-build-studio
- open new Eclipse workspace and import with File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace import the folder tl-build_studio\dist\tl-studio\workspace created after building TL-Studio
- set up a new application according to the following instructions in "Create Application Module": http://tl/trac/wiki/TL/SetupApplication
- on the last page of the wizard (where "Create Application" is ticked) additionally tick "Project Models" under Modules.
- Start application