The error messages that are displayed when, for example, a tl:TopLogicException is thrown are not uniformly and clearly designed in the Dezent theme.
The size of the icons varies depending on the severity of the error. For "large" error messages, those that contain a lot of text, displaying an error message requires the full available space on the screen.
The tl:InfoService displays messages much better. There, in addition to the title of the error message and a description, further information such as stack tracks is displayed in an additional "Details" area. The "Details" area can be shown and hidden.
The icons are now all the same size. The title has been reduced in size. A details area has been added, which can be shown or hidden. An error message now consists of 4 parts:
- Icon of the error message
- Title of the error message
- Description of the error message
- Details of the error message (e.g. stacktraces)
This now looks like this:
If you open the details you get
Start demo. Then open Technical Demo > LayoutFramework#1 > Forms > Form Controls (inline). There are buttons to display error messages:
- failWithMultipleErrors
- failWithFatalTopLogicException
- failWithTopLogicExceptionInfo