Dialogs that contain a form are usually not wrapped in a tl:MediaQueryControl (exceptions include tl:GUIEditorDialog). This ensures that no element with the attribute data-resize or no resize functionality is present in the DOM tree of the dialog.
In addition, among other things, forms in dialogs are arranged in only one column, regardless of the dialog size. As a result, reactive forms are not supported.
Since there is no resize functionality, the ACE Code Editor does not adapt to the available line width if the window size is changed.
For example, if you initially fill the TLScript field with the following content
then after changing the window size
the code editor will not adapt.
- Click through the application and check if the dialogs still work as usual.
- Create a new tab and then open the dialog to configure a new table. There add multiline content to the field that needs a TLScript expression. After that, when the window is resized, the field should automatically use the available line width for the content.
- In ScriptingRecorder adjust the size of the window and test maximum and minimum. The content of the CodeEditor should adjust accordingly.