Error messages "Duplicate tag name..." when starting an application in the IDE from a TL-Studio
TTypeRewriter logs warning "Unable to resolve items by external reference" also unnecessarily
Changed superclass relationship leads to changed attribute list in the form editor only after a restart
Tests in a workspace with Maven repository dependencies currently do not work if they depend on test web fragments and these are not yet installed in the local Maven repository. There is also currently no way to download a test web fragment to the local repository from Nexus.
After setting up a new application or making changes to Ahbängigkeiten, missing components of the engine need to be downloaded and installed into the local repository. For this purpose there is a new Goal tl:resolve which installs all missing engine components.
mvn tl:resolve
Create a new module in a new workspace
mvn -P tl archetype:generate \ \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=tl-archetype-app \ -DarchetypeVersion=CWS_26622-SNAPSHOT \ \ -DartifactId=my-app
Download engine components
mvn tl:resolve
Build with tests
mvn install -DskipTests=false