
yFiles: onDoubleClick and context menu on node
Checking dependencies for security vulnerabilities
Drag and drop with multiple selection
Increase minimum Java version to 11
Uniform multi-selection display for grid and tables
WrapperGenerator: Maven plugin for wrapper generation
Code" data type
Layout editor: alternative views for different model types
WrapperGenerator: Typed factory methods and addXxx(), removeXxx()
Model: Password attributes
TL-Script: contextPath() function
List-valued attributes with primitive type
Automatic translation from I18NConstants
Kafka & TL-Sync swap log messages to own file
Add Kafka and TL-Sync status to monitor page


Creating ScriptRecorder templates not in the deploy folder
TL-Doc: Plugin for templates
Update MSSQL JDBC driver to version 10.2.0.jre11
API consistency checking tool
Check for missing translations of the I18NConstants in the nightly build.
Maven configuration for calling normalize layouts
TL-Maven plugin: Goal `translate` with encrypted server passphrase for DeepL
Redefine table column for primitive model attribute (simple)
CodeEditorControl should not write ACE editor for invisible fields
Schema editor: column selection when defining key attributes
JavaDoc: Warning for CameCase content inside <p>-tags in
Removing the tl-help module
Model editor: improve the design of the context menu
Model Editor: Extend context menu with GoTo Definition
Model Upgrade: Make-Abstract and Make-Concrete
Better loading cursor support for multiple long-running GUI actions
Faster resolving of files in FileManager (without Files.exists(...))
KBDataProducerTask should react on stop request of the scheduler
Migration: DB schema update after migration
Reduce selection for SingleSelectionModel if necessary
Migration: moving instances to another table

Nice to have

Better logging when building the App-WAR
Eclipse Maven settings: current TL version as minimum version for plugin exclude
Archetype: Avoid fully qualified module names


Enums of a module disappear when creating and deleting enums in this module


Race Condition in TL-Sync in case of model changes, e.g. new TLClassifier
Invalid session revision for multiple threads
WrapperGenerator: derivation of StructuredElement not for all classes of a module
Error loading objects with long texts with H2
Knowlege Base: Error when updating validity periods when reloading object data
Migration scripts are not executed
Replay migration with H2 fails with long CLOB and BLOB values
Replay migration fails due to access to read-only columns


Missing filename check with multi-upload
Error with system without "maintenance pages
JavaScript error when expanding nodes in TreeTables
Replay migration fails because DependencyInjection does not take place
Checkbox to select all entries cannot be clicked
Module names with parts from digits allowed but not working
Bookmarks from TL-Doc always use the internal address
TL-Doc: Highlighting of code blocks leads to RegEx errors
Import of documentation does not work on Maven workspaces
No admin button in Modern theme
Inlining a file in LayoutModelProcessor broken
Incremental updates in TreeGrid do not always work
Remove dependency on apache-mime4j-0.3.jar
Raise dependency pac4j to version 5.3.1
Raise dependency H2 to version 2.1.210
Remove Ext Module for Jetty
Remove dependency openxml4j
Update Jetty to 9.4.45.v20220203
TestComponentConfiguration should not test templates
Udate POI to version 5.2.2
Update jsoup to version 1.14.3 and guice to version 5.1.0
Update commons-io to version 2.11.0
Remove TL Remote
Multiselection support in Tree, Table and TreeTable
replace itext 2.1.7 with openpdf 1.3.27
Raise MySQL Connector to version 8.0.27
Collapsing the selection changes the selection in TreeGrids
Dependency Analysis Tool: No Duplicate Classes in ClassPath
ModelBuilder for Services view inserts user sessions into the table
ACE Editor and requirejs define the global variable require
JavaDoc writes outside the module by default
CodeEditorControl is to report client-side errors of the ACE editor
Meta-model: access to the index of a classifier
Schema editor: error when saving
Missing adjustment of (default) selection after tree update
Model Editor: Delete in detail view removes wrong diagram element
Form editor: crash if attribute no longer exists
Double configuration of the description of a TLType
Post-create action in trees does not work with in-app commands
Insufficient quoting when writing JavaScript
Inconsistent API of StructuredElement
Model editor loses selection during relayout
Project Demo: Use H2 database config as local default.
TL-Doc: Copying old help documentation does not work
Model export writes resource files to wrong module
Parents are not always expanded after selection change
Model Editor: Error during further editing after deleting element
NPE when filtering all threads in the thread monitor
TL script: Self-expression in concat() is not taken into account
TL script: Error message when sublist() is called with too large index
WYSIWYG CSS uses variable defined in com.top_logic.icons
Launch-Configs still reference Java-8 VM
Data migration for ticket #25881 and #26398
Scripting: Record StructuredElement with arbitrary singleton root
KnowledgeBaseRuntimeException when accessing deleted reference
No consistent deletion of model elements during model upgrade
Script recorder: record branch and revision only if necessary
Subtree update of an invisible root node faulty
No error message when accessing foreign key references if foreign key cannot be resolved
Scripting recorder: Playback of multi-selection faulty
NPE in the translation service if no network connection is available at startup.
Document management does not work in non-versioning system
Maps of ConfiguredInstances should keep order
Tab delete of a legacy tabbar is not recorded
Missing dependency DynamicComponentService -&gt; SafeHTML

Nice to have

Scripting: Assertions try to access invisible columns


Drag and drop with multiple selection
Uniform multi-selection display for grid and tables
Add Kafka and TL-Sync status to monitor page


Missing filename check with multi-upload
TL-Doc: Plugin for templates
Checkbox to select all entries cannot be clicked
TL-Doc: Highlighting of code blocks leads to RegEx errors
No admin button in Modern theme
Incremental updates in TreeGrid do not always work
Collapsing the selection changes the selection in TreeGrids
ModelBuilder for Services view inserts user sessions into the table
CodeEditorControl is to report client-side errors of the ACE editor
Missing adjustment of (default) selection after tree update
Double configuration of the description of a TLType
TL-Doc: Copying old help documentation does not work
NPE when filtering all threads in the thread monitor
Better loading cursor support for multiple long-running GUI actions
Subtree update of an invisible root node faulty
KBDataProducerTask should react on stop request of the scheduler
Reduce selection for SingleSelectionModel if necessary


yFiles: onDoubleClick and context menu on node
Invalid session revision for multiple threads
Drag and drop with multiple selection
WrapperGenerator: derivation of StructuredElement not for all classes of a module
WrapperGenerator: Maven plugin for wrapper generation
WrapperGenerator: Typed factory methods and addXxx(), removeXxx()
Kafka &amp; TL-Sync swap log messages to own file


Collapsing the selection changes the selection in TreeGrids
Removing the tl-help module
Inconsistent API of StructuredElement
Migration: DB schema update after migration


Migration scripts are not executed


Raise dependency H2 to version 2.1.210
Data migration for ticket #25881 and #26398