
Systematic logging for Kafka
Force password change when administrator assigns password
Optional dependencies between services (ManagedClass)
Extinguishing callback at the subject object
Suggested values for number and string attributes
Drag&Drop: Generalization of the DropByExpression API


Form tables: Customization standard columns
Update CKEditor to version 4.19.1
Reduce calls to ModelBuilder.supportsModel()
Simplified mail configuration for IMAPS and SMTPS
Selectable ID column on type
Specify database passwords encrypted
Encrypt Pepper in Argon Hashing
Improve performance when deleting multiple objects
Default selection for value suggestions: Options via printout
Prioritize implementations for in-app annotations
Allow configuring control tag and CSS classes for all configurable control renderers
Show resource path of the application in the environment variables
Icon library: Bootstrap Icons

Nice to have

Alias and System Properties for ZooKeeper Port and Kafka Port


Label calculation in Excelexport does not consider table configuration
Missing deployment of top-logic.js and CSS for production mode
Form field for mandatory DateTime attribute incorrectly marked as changed
Model Editor displays link ends in the attribute table when references are changed
BPE: Creation of new process instances with mandatory fields not possible
In-app modeling: backreferences of compositions are created as multiple=true
Model-based search: Input validation: Filter query leads to NullpointerException
Model editor reloads page on script execution
Drag and Drop: Icon from table header to drop zone: NPE
WYSIWYG YouTube plugin has problems with embedding
No session invalidation during login and password change process
Reference checks: Are only checked in the form, not when committing
Overridden attribute inherits mandatory "Default value" customization
In-app template for grid and tables: Function "Verifier for use as list item" does not get component model
Model transfer to development environment: ResKeys remain in dynamic properties
Calculated web folder references delete folder when deleting the base object
Missing constraint violations when deleting objects referenced by mandatory fields
Encoding problems in system overload hint page
Wiki formatting in multiline text attributes / text fields broken
Option providers do not update calculated suggested values
Webfolder: Erroneous behavior of multiple upload file selection
Column definitions are not applied to composition tables
Prohibit drop from non-TL object to tables and trees
StackOverflow due to configuration error: Calculated string attribute returns integer
ApplicationTesting: No two sessions possible for the same user in JUnit test
EditComponent loses edit mode after deletion
Lack of documentation adaptation to new + context
Inconsistent "source" properties in documentation pages
Correct various Eclipse settings
Missing selection marker in composition tables
Instance Browser: New transient object does not show type
Configuration uses unencrypted SMTP and IMAP password
End animation when table is cleared from GUI
Inactive scheduler crashes the application
Application monitor "Environment variables" may display safety-critical values
Service Editor displays "secret" of the OpenID service
Selection of icons in the icon chooser is not scriptable
Drag preview image in script recorder does not use label
Declarative forms: Missing GUI update for programmatic changes of a list-valued property
Constraints on declarative forms with arguments from a container reference lead to errors for new elements
Overridden properties are not initialized correctly when booting from model definition
Jerky table contents in FrozenTables
Missing dependency ModelBasedSearch -> SearchBuilder
Missing dependency MailServer -> MailReceiverService
DnD: Drop operation with drop type "child" on table gets the wrong row object
Under unfavorable circumstances data from future revisions visible in AssociationCache's
CSS editor does not work with Top-Logic theme variables
Default annotations cannot be inherited from the attribute type
OutOfMemoryError on App-WAR generation
With generated subject classes, a default provider of an attribute in a non-structure class does not get a create context
ModelNamingSchemes do not get "value context" in some cases
Horizontally displayed radio button selection extends beyond form boundaries
BreadCrumbs do not update when inner tabbars are not visible
Rare ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on tab change
Hidden component does not appear anymore, although it gets a supported model
Scripting recorder: No templates are loaded in project demo
Update yFiles to version
Changed order of standard columns in new table
Frozen table: drag selection contains duplicates
Inconsistent lock timeout at application startup
No update of node properties after model change
Schedule: Automatic collision avoidance does not work
Theme icon with value "none" is not resolved correctly
Scripting recorder: stops execution after reloading the page
In-app documentation generator does not extract documentation for overwritten config properties
ChartJS Update to 3.9.1
JSoup Update to 1.15.3
Update Batik Graphics to 1.15


Force password change when administrator assigns password


Model-based search: Input validation: Filter query leads to NullpointerException
Drag and Drop: Icon from table header to drop zone: NPE
WYSIWYG YouTube plugin has problems with embedding
Encoding problems in system overload hint page
Wiki formatting in multiline text attributes / text fields broken
Webfolder: Erroneous behavior of multiple upload file selection
Prohibit drop from non-TL object to tables and trees
EditComponent loses edit mode after deletion
Missing selection marker in composition tables
Jerky table contents in FrozenTables
Horizontally displayed radio button selection extends beyond form boundaries
BreadCrumbs do not update when inner tabbars are not visible
Rare ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on tab change
Frozen table: drag selection contains duplicates
No update of node properties after model change
Schedule: Automatic collision avoidance does not work
ChartJS Update to 3.9.1


Systematic logging for Kafka
Suggested values for number and string attributes
Drag&Drop: Generalization of the DropByExpression API


Missing deployment of top-logic.js and CSS for production mode
BPE: Creation of new process instances with mandatory fields not possible
Overridden attribute inherits mandatory "Default value" customization
Model transfer to development environment: ResKeys remain in dynamic properties
Calculated web folder references delete folder when deleting the base object
Configuration uses unencrypted SMTP and IMAP password
Simplified mail configuration for IMAPS and SMTPS
Selectable ID column on type
Service Editor displays "secret" of the OpenID service
Specify database passwords encrypted
Encrypt Pepper in Argon Hashing
Horizontally displayed radio button selection extends beyond form boundaries
ChartJS Update to 3.9.1


Drag&Drop: Generalization of the DropByExpression API


Selectable ID column on type
ChartJS Update to 3.9.1