
Kafka and TL-Sync should use an exponential backoff in case of problems


Configuring StorageMapping on PrimitiveStorage
Add tooltip description for LoginMessage interval attribute.
Enable tooltips via tabs
Update Maven Sources plugin to version 3.3.0
Support for multi-file upload in declarative forms


Long values lead to unusable column filters
Missing items in refetch update event


Wrong DB configuration at replay after changing FastList table
Broken GWT Launch Config
Application monitor uses wrong locale for displaying working memory values
Potential NullPointerException with Drag&Drop
Missing search buttons in Modern theme
Cyclic FileSystemProvider dependency in Log4J2
Inconsistent font type and size for number fields
Creating company contact: Half of the values are not saved
SafeHTML not started during automatic data migration
Missing adaptation of the stored model in model changing EventRewriter
Unexpected order of backup log files with Log4j2
The ThemeImage "NoIcon" does not disappear, but is displayed as an empty white image
Administration: Contact cleanup produces error message
Jackson FasterXML Update to 2.13.4
Batik update to 1.16
Maintenance page ScanData.jsp does not compile in openJDK 1.8


Long values lead to unusable column filters


Application monitor uses wrong locale for displaying working memory values
Add tooltip description for LoginMessage interval attribute.
Missing search buttons in Modern theme
The ThemeImage "NoIcon" does not disappear, but is displayed as an empty white image