
OpenAPI server
REST calls via TL script to external APIs according to OpenAPI specification


DeepL: Use glossaries for translations
TL-Script unversioned object comparison
Historical to-n references
Include ChartJS and OpenAPI in BPE Standard Configuration


Perform instanceof checks unversioned
Make Close dialog configurable by Create
Bulk Dependency Update
Model definition for revision
TLModelUtil: Replace declared ConfigurationException with TopLogicException


TL-Sync transmitter stops on association update


Button menu in button bar does not open
Search suggestions of SelectFields and popups of the breadcrumb are placed incorrectly
Missing display of Flex data for historical objects
OpenAPI: Error although query successful


Transaction with user input: invisible properties of the form model cannot be assigned values (initialized)
ClassCastException when evaluating security rules that refer to (non-structuredElement) singletons of a module.
Tree does not scroll the selected node into the viewport on (external) selection
Normalizing JSPs leads to wrong indentation for if-else blocks
Application tests with chart.js report on home page fail
PersistentEnumeration.tValue(...) leads to ClassCastException
Grid tables: Calculated column: Single-Value SelectField requires list value.
User time zone and thus SubSession time zone can be zero
Incremental modification of a set-valued attribute not possible.
Typo in database configurations at "password template
OpenAPI: Missing content type for JSON request content
TLScript suggestions are always displayed in the same language
Missing Maven profile "ide" in Eclipse


Button menu in button bar does not open
Search suggestions of SelectFields and popups of the breadcrumb are placed incorrectly
Missing display of Flex data for historical objects


Tree does not scroll the selected node into the viewport on (external) selection
TLScript suggestions are always displayed in the same language


Tree does not scroll the selected node into the viewport on (external) selection
Model definition for revision
TLModelUtil: Replace declared ConfigurationException with TopLogicException


PersistentEnumeration.tValue(...) leads to ClassCastException