Bugfix Enhancement

Keyword: MetaModel


Set unversioned TLAnnotation's in AttributeSetting's
No more automatic creation of "table types" for database tables
Selection filter for tree selection
Specification of the context object in TL-Script Object creation
Code" data type
Model: Password attributes
List-valued attributes with primitive type
Extinguishing callback at the subject object
Suggested values for number and string attributes
Historical to-n references


Redefine table column for primitive model attribute (simple)


Tree selection cannot be adjusted to the current object


In-app modeling: backreferences of compositions are created as multiple=true
Reference checks: Are only checked in the form, not when committing
Calculated web folder references delete folder when deleting the base object
Missing constraint violations when deleting objects referenced by mandatory fields
Meta-model: access to the index of a classifier
Column definitions are not applied to composition tables
Default annotations cannot be inherited from the attribute type
ClassCastException when evaluating security rules that refer to (non-structuredElement) singletons of a module.
With generated subject classes, a default provider of an attribute in a non-structure class does not get a create context
Personalization of forms for local types crashes the application
PersistentEnumeration.tValue(...) leads to ClassCastException