Importing an API that does not provide a description for a response crashes with an incomprehensible error message.
Errors in context: Property 'com.top_logic.service.openapi.common.document.ResponsesObject.getDescription()': Property is mandatory but not set. Location: unknown location. Item: ConfigBuilderImpl(config-interface = com.top_logic.service.openapi.common.document.ResponsesObject, location = unknown location, values = HashMap(StatusCode -> 200, valueSet(Content) -> true, valueSet(StatusCode) -> true, Content -> {text/plain=ConfigBuilderImpl(config-interface = com.top_logic.service.openapi.common.document.MediaTypeObject, location = unknown location, values = HashMap(valueSet(Example) -> true, MediaType -> text/plain, valueSet(MediaType) -> true, Example -> "OK"), config-created? = false)}), config-created? = false)
- Export ping API from tl-demo's OpenAPI server, delete the "OK" description of the 200 response and import it again as a client.