If it is specified that a row in a table cannot be dragged (see tl:TableDragSource#dragEnabled), then the row cannot be dragged by clicking in its background. However, the user can move the row indirectly by clicking on it or using its label.
According to the HTML5 specification (see https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110113/dnd.html#the-draggable-attribute), the draggable attribute should also work for table parts. This means that a <tr draggable="false"></tr> should prevent the user from dragging this row. This does not work for table rows, contrary to the claim (support of all elements) in the specification.
Here(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27592306/can-table-rows-be-made-draggable-by-attribute) it is mentioned that HTML5 draggable is not supported on table rows.
This case is now intercepted in the "DragOnStart" table handler and the drag is prevented
Navigate to the Technical Demo > Layout Framework#1 > Forms > In-App Drag and Drop view. Non-draggable rows (in this view, if there is no 1` in the name) should not be able to be dragged via their link or the drop-down menu (previously: drag from the row with the preview image `null).