Display of a classification attribute in the form as a radio button list
Attributes can be displayed in different ways. Attributes of type TLEnumeration can, for example, be displayed as a drop-down or SelectField with a selection dialog. Attributes of type Boolean and Tri-State, on the other hand, can also be displayed as radio buttons or check boxes.
Attributes of type TLEnumeration should also be able to be displayed as radio buttons or check boxes. The former in the case of multiple="false", the latter in the case of multiple="true".
The attribute must have one of the following annotations:
Radio buttons one below the other: {{{#!xml <classification-display value="radio"/> }}}
Radio buttons one after the other: {{{#!xml <classification-display value="radio-inline"/> }}}
Generate objects in the demo. View objects of type A` and `X. Pay attention to the following attributes:
- classificationUnorderedSingleRadio
- classificationUnorderedSingleRadioInline
- classificationUnorderedMultiRadio
- classificationUnorderedMultiRadioInline
Check in the following views:
- In the form in view mode
- In the form in edit mode
- In a table in view mode
- In a table in edit mode (i.e.: grid, selected row in edit mode)