If you select different types in a creation dialog, some of which define icons for the form header and others do not, the icon disappears when you select a type without an icon, but does not reappear when you select a type with an icon again.
Cause & solution
In connection with the cause of this problem, there were other errors with icons that never occurred before and in some cases even existed before the new theme was added.
The cause was that previously in some places the "callers" of icons in the Java code wrote a style attribute to the icon and an additional layer was only introduced for this in the case of a deactivated or empty/missing icon.
This additional layer meant that in some places there was an endless nesting of elements and in other places the icon was missing completely.
As a solution, this additional layer and all externally set style attributes have been removed so that the icons are now displayed correctly on the user interface. Furthermore, an empty style attribute was written internally to all types/states of icons (ThemeImage), so that in future developers who try to set a style attribute externally to icons will immediately receive an error.
When creating new objects, the icon should now be displayed correctly in the creation dialog and changed when the type is changed.
In addition, a "link icon" should now be displayed when you select an object (e.g. an A) in the structures view and switch to the "Documents" tab and there is an element there that represents a link to an existing document.\\ Accessible by copying to the clipboard and pasting from the clipboard: