With #27720, log messages from user sessions are provided with the session ID. This is unfavorable from a security point of view, as it may allow a reader of the log file to take over a session.
The display of the session ID in the user monitor is also questionable from this point of view.
See https://cheatshe etseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Logging_Cheat_Sheet.html
Create an additional identifier for the session (hash value of the session ID) and use it to find logs of a session.
No automatic test, as too time-consuming.
- Start the application, use it, for example produce errors via the error pages in the technical demo and check that no log message contains the real session ID but only the hashed one. The latter has the form S(...), with a Base64 value in brackets.
- The "Administration > Monitor > User history" view also only shows the hashed session ID.