The HttpSecureHeaderFilter is integrated by default and sets HTTP headers to secure the page against XSS attacks, for example.
However, the default settings do not allow, for example, a micro-frontend of an application to be integrated into another via iframe. Therefore, the set headers should be adjustable in the application configuration.
Configuration options in application/configs:
<config config:interface="com.top_logic.knowledge.gui.layout.HttpSecureHeaderFilter$GlobalConfig"> <headers> <header name="X-Content-Type-Options" values="nosniff"/> <header name="X-XSS-Protection"> <values> <value value="1; mode=block"/> </values> </header> <header name="Strict-Transport-Security"> <values> <value value="max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"/> </values> </header> <header name="X-Frame-Options" values="SAMEORIGIN"/> </headers> </config>
- Inspection of the HTTP headers of a page, the set headers should be set.