Enhancement Bugfix User-visible Code migration Data migration


In-app configured drag and drop with pre-target validation
Meta-Model: Generic navigation to container: TLObject.tContainer()
Supplement tables with calculated columns
In-app transactions with user input
Multiple relationships between components
Layout editor: enable in-app configuration of tile cockpits
Layout Editor: Selection Component
Tables with dynamic columns
Introspection Layout Editor


Creation of elements of polymorphic compositions in a form table
TL Script Task
Option provider: access to the context of objects being created
Create test cases in-app
State-dependent executability of commands
Better heuristics for English model element names / automatic translation
"Real" overlay as deployment configuration
Display type options for polymorphic configurations in EditorFactory as drop-downs
TL script: Command to produce log entry
Fill references about tree selection
Embed Youtube videos in tl-doc
Tree tables with dynamic columns
Status-dependent object icons via annotation
Context-dependent number ranges via annotation
TL script: $obj.set($ref, $value) with dynamic reference
Drag and drop scripting in views that have been configured in-app
Automatic application restart from the development environment
SecurityProviders in tables and grids
IDE startup: Automatic redirect to the right context path
Define buttons on selection components
Transaction with input: reset form, easy access to context in option providers
Support for bidirectional transforming channels
Tool for importing TopLogic dumps
New API for Progress dialogs


Selection of a CalendarMarker implementation in the model
Remove EWE from TLCommittee / TLBoard
TL-Doc: Simplify TLObjectLinks
Replace DelegateStructureHtmlTree in POS and Prime with TreeComponent
Move definition of navigation role for org structure from contact to projectdemo
Include logback in TL Studio
DownloadButton for BinaryData attributes in Grid
Change ViewStateManager in tl-project to CommandApprovalService
Deprecation: remove com.top_logic.mig.html.HTMLTree
Deprecation: Remove EWE from tl-demo
Deprecation: Remove EWE and Tickt/TTS
Schedule: Collision detection for schedule shifts
Cache for TLModel type hierarchy
Utility to create singleton or empty list
Prevent unnecessary dialog during InApp component creation
Assertion on the model of a component
Youtube Plugin for CKEditor
CreateTypeOptionsByExpression: Include subtypes
Jump to default jump target in grid detail opener
Speaking error message for RegExpConstraint
Enable standard security for InApp components
Enforce encryption of configured passwords for kafka SSL
Default-For for generic dialogs
Introduce "commons" classifier for in-app implementations.
Environment variable tl_storage_dir also for start from development environment
TL script: list.reverse(), extension list.subList(...)
Also provide properties of subtypes for columns of tables to be displayed.
Remove CommandInvocation
No configuration defaults for `content-layouting` in layout configurations
Short-cut WindowScope.deliverContent(BinaryDataSource)
Functional interface: com.top_logic.layout.form.Constraint
Configure basic set of table columns in-app
Type index with annotation and configuration information
Prevent unnecessary copying when reading stacked configurations
Configuration to disable branches
Change user menu to standard popup
Disable table reset as single button
XML import: object refs with multiple ID attribute
set partnerGroup in selector.template.xml


TL-Sync deletes random objects if it does not find the actual ones to be deleted
GridComponent: Programmatic invalidation after multi-selection leads to undefined behavior


TLSync imports HAS_WRAPPER_ATT_VALUE.REV_CREATE from the source system
ValueDumper / ValueParser ignores BinaryData.getName()
BinaryDataFactory discards names for files > MAX_MEMORY_SIZE
NPE in TL-Sync when sending overwritten attributes whose definition is not exported.
Layout tooling fails in linked workspaces
Ant targets in Eclipse workspace fails with "The linked resource '/com.top_logic.basic.core/src' in project '.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders' does not exist
TL-Doc: After a link the line does not break anymore
TL-Doc: view always jumps to the top when editing if heading format is selected
Application hangs constantly with wait cursor
NPE in deployed demo
Copy images between pages does not work
JS error when editing long texts in CKEditor
TL-Studio: Application startup fails due to unresolved dependency
TL-Script context help broken
MemoryLeak due to OptionsByExpression -> AttributeFormContext
MemoryLeak because the SecurityStorage is a ClusterManagerListener that does not deregister
On english pages you can find german TLObject links
Memory leak in DefaultLayoutGraphCleaner
Implementations of calculated attributes cannot be overwritten
Calculated attributes on historical stands may calculate incorrectly
Model editor: UML class diagram bounces after each selection
TL-Doc: No error message in case of failed import
Crash after deleting tile
Option lists are no longer loaded lazy


ClassCastException on live change of a persistent list attribute
StructuredTextControl has problems with special characters in image filenames
Null argument on generation of JavaDoc for tl.element
NamedConfiguration and NamedConfigMandatory must be @Abstract
Documentation: link suggestions always in German even when editing the English translation
Too many link suggestions during link creation
Unnecessarily wide index in `hasStructureChild`.
Duplicate indices in `hasWrapperAttValueBaseAssociation` and all derivatives
Layout editor: inconsistent behavior of unfold state, selection and reaction to object creation
Invalid configurations for Producer and Consumer
TL-Doc: Copy&Paste transfers unwanted styles
Application tests: CheckLabeledExecutabilityOp fails to assert non-executability of literal ResKey reasons.
Model Editor: Enum default provider does not work for enum references for which singleton link storage was explicitly selected
Two enums with the same name cannot be created in different modules
Error when updating assization caches from the commit
DataItemControl not usable with multiple DataField's
There are no help IDs for the in-app editors stored in the "Development" area
Test Error with TL Script in Executability Rules in Application Configuration
No fallback for display names of languages
Disappearing toolbar in tile layout
ConfigurationItem-valued properties with format annotations may cause an attempt to create abstract config items when deserializing null values
Scrollbars in burger and context menus when resolution is changed
Unnecessary scrollbar in HTMLTree
No visual feedback for possible dropzones in FrozenTables
Monitoring cleanup tasks crashes if they are not registered
Help editor crashes when a user has chosen a language that is not in the supported languages of the application
Buttons in filter dialogs disappeared
DeepL translation service crashes the application if the service is not available
I18N for "Create page" is wrong in dialog
Two classifiers with the same name can be created in the same enum
Layout editor: Delete view and Delete dialog do not ask for confirmation
Gridcomponent: Display of context menu for new (transient) row object leads to UnsupportedOperationException
Partially no label for custom model type
In the context menu for a new grid line the command "Delete" is offered, crash on selection
Calendar control in filter dialogs does not work in Modern theme
Milestones / Grid: When a new milestone is created, a warning message is logged.
Enable GUI action after custom transaction
Misplacement of error icon for text fields in grid
TestComileJSPs fails in linked workspaces
Error with Boolean and Number support in JSON configuration types
TL script: Evaluate ToString only at compile time if arguments are primitives.
Incorrect options for configurations of components
Declarative forms: @Encrypted properties are displayed at the GUI in plain text
An attribute of type tl.model.search:Expr is not displayed in the form above a TL script editor
Memory Leak because the TLObject "IMAPMailFolder" is listener at IMAPFolder
Hidden attributes are offered to the user for selection in the table columns by default
Missing constraints for enumeration and classifier names
Attributes of type tl.model.search:Expr cannot be edited in the grid
JSR-305 annotations for Guava
POS: Risk elements: Warnings in log files when new instances are created
Context menu commands for table rows are erroneously executed on the table model when opening the context menu in the background of the table
Incorrect quoting in TagWriter for XML with CDATA sections in attributes
Misleading name for type options field in declarative forms
Missing replacement of %LAYOUT_RESPREFIX% in typed templates
Error "Invalid attribute name aria-label" in TL Doc after cut & paste
Cockpit tile: Schedule: Milestones cannot be edited, authorization check incorrect
No error message for invalid tooltips
Unfavorable DeepL configuration for translation of HTML fragments
JavaDoc: Embedded values are not displayed
TLModelCacheService slows down object creation by about 70%.
Infinite loop when updating KB caches
BPE still has old online help
tl-doc still uses legacy overlay to show the help editor
Migration: Replay fails if string values with line breaks are contained in the dataset where a line ends with a semicolon
Missing entries in the authorization view for InApp components
CommandApprovalService: Declared exceptions do not take effect.
Crash in design mode when a create form gets a list model via a channel combination
No feedback if layout overlay cannot be applied
Too many prompts when deleting in-app dialog
Attribute defaults cannot make transactional changes
A TL script expression entered in a wizard template is reformatted when transferred to the final template
Buttonbar in dialogs differs in Modern and Sidebar
Error at startup: I18NStructuredText cannot be indexed by Lucene
Still too many buttons in the sidebar layout
Script recorder: Templates can no longer be created
UuidDefaultProvider is displayed for all attribute types
Application does not store service config files in configured autoconf folder
Drag&Drop of text in trees and tables causes NPE
Configuration option "Enable help" always checked
Views cannot be deleted
Login with non-standard theme fails for minutes after reboot
TypedConfiguration: Crash when saving nullable enums
Transaction with input: button order inconsistent
TL script: Under unfavorable conditions wrong parameter values when evaluating local functions
Descriptions with line breaks cannot be saved at model elements
Dynamic columns: NPE if the column model is zero
Chrome browser: User logout after closing the browser window
KPI reports are no longer displayed
Invalid option for selection component
TL script: CCE when sorting in reverse order
Display of DateTime objects difficult to read
Layout export fails when changing layouts with overlays
Scriptrecorder template creation does not respond to new actions / Saves outdated work state
Error message in ObjectTreeNaming if the searched label is correct
Replay of tests replacing components not possible
TL-Doc: RequestLock when copying images
Single Selection in TableControl causes duplicate events
LastLoginAccessor loads all user session data
TL-Doc: Drag and drop of images does not work in some situations
Component buttons have no icon in disabled state
No tooltip for MessageBox buttons
CommandHandlerProxy are not displayed in the context menu
Unnecessary display "Edit/cite comment" in context menu
Stakeholder: Creation dialog allows any number of characters as "Description", the form only 255
Stakeholder: Description at creation is not a mandatory field / may be empty
Initializer of configuration dialogs do not set form model
NPE when importing dumps via the interface
Faulty analysis in DeleteChecker
ConcurrentModificationException in TLModelCacheEntry
With every click in the service editor "funny" messages appear in the log
Create executable WAR by default
Missing tooltip for internationalized names
Properties of type "Set" should not be mandatory
No selection of xlsx files possible in ScriptRecorder
Error when operating the application via keyboard
"Reset form" does not ask for confirmation
Form does not hide if type is not appropriate
Display of online help fails on Windows computers
Remove BoundCommandGroup id logic from defaultFor
I18NConstantsChecker does not make entries in missing.properties
Zero components by ReplaceComponentVisitor
TLProject: Structure planning: "Designation" column is not displayed
ClassCastException in ConfigurationPropertyListModelBuilder
Component name selection no longer a drop-down
Safety: Do not crash when looking up instances for a type whose table does no longer exist
Active color in decent theme disappeared
Too much choice in Security Object Provider

Nice to have

Template for new app: Default module is not loaded via Autoconf
URLPathParser crashes with the empty string
NPE on form display, if the object does not have the displayed attribute, but a visibility is set


TL-Doc: After a link the line does not break anymore
TL-Doc: view always jumps to the top when editing if heading format is selected
Application hangs constantly with wait cursor
Copy images between pages does not work
Display type options for polymorphic configurations in EditorFactory as drop-downs
Embed Youtube videos in tl-doc
SecurityProviders in tables and grids


StructuredTextControl has problems with special characters in image filenames
Documentation: link suggestions always in German even when editing the English translation
Too many link suggestions during link creation
TL-Doc: Simplify TLObjectLinks
DownloadButton for BinaryData attributes in Grid
Disappearing toolbar in tile layout
Scrollbars in burger and context menus when resolution is changed
Unnecessary scrollbar in HTMLTree
No visual feedback for possible dropzones in FrozenTables
Buttons in filter dialogs disappeared
I18N for "Create page" is wrong in dialog
Gridcomponent: Display of context menu for new (transient) row object leads to UnsupportedOperationException
In the context menu for a new grid line the command "Delete" is offered, crash on selection
Calendar control in filter dialogs does not work in Modern theme
Misplacement of error icon for text fields in grid
Declarative forms: @Encrypted properties are displayed at the GUI in plain text
Context menu commands for table rows are erroneously executed on the table model when opening the context menu in the background of the table
Error "Invalid attribute name aria-label" in TL Doc after cut & paste
BPE still has old online help
Buttonbar in dialogs differs in Modern and Sidebar
Still too many buttons in the sidebar layout
Display of DateTime objects difficult to read
TL-Doc: Drag and drop of images does not work in some situations
CommandHandlerProxy are not displayed in the context menu
Unnecessary display "Edit/cite comment" in context menu
Missing tooltip for internationalized names
No selection of xlsx files possible in ScriptRecorder
Error when operating the application via keyboard
Change user menu to standard popup
Display of online help fails on Windows computers
Disable table reset as single button


Meta-Model: Generic navigation to container: TLObject.tContainer()
Multiple relationships between components
Layout Editor: Selection Component
Tables with dynamic columns


NPE in TL-Sync when sending overwritten attributes whose definition is not exported.
TL Script Task
Option provider: access to the context of objects being created
Create test cases in-app
State-dependent executability of commands
"Real" overlay as deployment configuration
Display type options for polymorphic configurations in EditorFactory as drop-downs
Tree tables with dynamic columns
Context-dependent number ranges via annotation
SecurityProviders in tables and grids
Support for bidirectional transforming channels
Tool for importing TopLogic dumps


NamedConfiguration and NamedConfigMandatory must be @Abstract
Layout editor: inconsistent behavior of unfold state, selection and reaction to object creation
Change ViewStateManager in tl-project to CommandApprovalService
Cache for TLModel type hierarchy
Enable GUI action after custom transaction
Missing entries in the authorization view for InApp components
Enforce encryption of configured passwords for kafka SSL
Introduce "commons" classifier for in-app implementations.
Transaction with input: button order inconsistent
Remove CommandInvocation
TL script: CCE when sorting in reverse order
No configuration defaults for `content-layouting` in layout configurations
Single Selection in TableControl causes duplicate events
Type index with annotation and configuration information
Prevent unnecessary copying when reading stacked configurations
Create executable WAR by default
Remove BoundCommandGroup id logic from defaultFor


Meta-Model: Generic navigation to container: TLObject.tContainer()


SecurityProviders in tables and grids


Unnecessarily wide index in `hasStructureChild`.
Duplicate indices in `hasWrapperAttValueBaseAssociation` and all derivatives
Two enums with the same name cannot be created in different modules
Change ViewStateManager in tl-project to CommandApprovalService
Two classifiers with the same name can be created in the same enum