Bugfix Enhancement

Keyword: Documentation


TL-Doc: Simplify TLObjectLinks


TL-Doc: After a link the line does not break anymore
TL-Doc: view always jumps to the top when editing if heading format is selected
Copy images between pages does not work
JS error when editing long texts in CKEditor
On english pages you can find german TLObject links


StructuredTextControl has problems with special characters in image filenames
Null argument on generation of JavaDoc for tl.element
Documentation: link suggestions always in German even when editing the English translation
Too many link suggestions during link creation
TL-Doc: Copy&Paste transfers unwanted styles
There are no help IDs for the in-app editors stored in the "Development" area
Help editor crashes when a user has chosen a language that is not in the supported languages of the application
I18N for "Create page" is wrong in dialog
Error "Invalid attribute name aria-label" in TL Doc after cut & paste
BPE still has old online help
Error at startup: I18NStructuredText cannot be indexed by Lucene
Configuration option "Enable help" always checked
Descriptions with line breaks cannot be saved at model elements
TL-Doc: RequestLock when copying images
TL-Doc: Drag and drop of images does not work in some situations