One would like to divide a view differently, depending on which model type is represented there. Traditionally, this is done with a tl:TabComponent without tab bar, where only one tab is visible at a time.
For the in-app configuration, there is no template that displays a tl:TabComponent without a tab bar. Also, it is difficult to set the component visibility to always show exactly one component. It would be easier if the TabComponent would always show exactly the first visible tab. For this, the TabComponent must not remember the last selected tab when changing its displayed tabs and make it visible again, but must select a new tab (the first now visible).
Since no tab bar is displayed, there is no place to display the in-app configuration commands for the invisible TabComponent. The context menu of this invisible tab bar would have to merge with another component. Since this is currently not technically feasible, such an invisible tab can only be changed subsequently in the layout editor (Administration / Development / Layout Editor).
- New layout template Alternative Views.
- New configuration option onChangeSelectFirstTab in the tl:TabComponent.