
Dynamic subscription to model events through UI elements
Components should subscribe to required model events
Deploy TopLogic as open source
Performance: Many requests to FLEX_DATA when deleting large numbers of subject objects
Model editor: sub-structuring of modules
Define CRUD views One-Click
Display license information for all users
Formatting of values in calculated table columns
HTML rendering templates
TL-Script: Named parameters
DropDown with tooltip
Templates for complete application views
Configure views with document folder in-app
TL-Script: Binary data support
Links with custom label
Smart Startup/Shutdown
Deploy App Archetype to MavenCentral
TL-Script: Translate functions


Close dialogs by clicking on background
TableModel: Optimized insertion of many objects
Render forms via HTML templates
Declaration of commands / buttons on dialog level
Predefine icons/cliques for buttons/dialogs with theme variables if possible
Default value via sequence for number-valued attributes
Customize object creation dialog header
Constant default value for icon attributes
Build: Influence the "build timestamp".
Collapse list entries in declarative forms
Layout XML: Use of template parameters for inner template calls
Render tooltips via HTML templates
LayoutEditor: Customize hint text for empty tile list
Make headers available for processing the response of an Open API call
TL-Script function to wait for a certain time
Missing error message when using `attribute` for references
Move declaration of ThemeVar to Icons classes
Render tables via HTML templates
Declare TabBar HTML Template
Declare ButtonComponent HTML Template
Select default selection based on the last (current) selection
Bulk deletion of subject objects
Objects form element Show as read-only
Remove modules outside tl-engine from dependency management of tl-parent-all
Declare Collapsible and DialogWindow Template
Bulk Dependency Update 2023/06
Update CKEditor to v4.21.0
Update Lucene to 8.11.2
Collapse button configurations by default
Prevent selection in the grid if the edited row has errors
Application scripting: resolve LayoutComponent's only if they are visible
Simple installation method with Docker
Update default tooltip design
InfoService new with timestamp and different CSS classes
Open form editor for viewing
Log uncaught exceptions for all explicitly started threads
Model-based expert search should use the full space
Render table footer via HTML templates
Show dual licensing in source files
Transfer documentation to the applications


Check-Changed dialog (much) too small
No display of error text in composition tables
Selection of the grid disappears with F5
AbstractFlexDataManager logs warning when loading the same object multiple times
Incorrect license display for TopLogic modules in the license overview
In-app configuration of button columns
If no English I18N was stored for a layout, technical ID is exported
Documentation exports files with spaces at the end of the file, which Windows does not allow


The form preview differs from its production view
No export of HTML attributes to Excel possible
File upload with ScriptingRecorder from the file system not possible
Command release service: exception rule does not work
<pre>-formatted text collapses to one line in HTML fields
I18N string as name attribute returns error
Option providers still do not update calculated suggested values
Theme editor: no independent theme can be created
Theme editor: "New stylesheet" dialog looks broken
Application tests: No recording of inputs in I18N string attributes in grid possible
Memory hole: Personal configuration is not cleared properly
Document attribute error in composition table
Administration: Maintenance mode does not work properly
TL script: NPE when regular expressions evaluate to "null".
LayoutEditor: Component channel selection for dialog open buttons wrong
Unwanted inlining of properties when creating a new app
FolderComponent without model leads to errors
Disappearing design buttons in tiles
TL script: Incorrect hash code for JSON objects
Scheduler: Task execution fails with longer results
Open API Service: Query parameters of type Date do not work
Incorrect preassignment in the chart JS template
Incorrect calculation of the sort order in references
Tree - Tables: Selection of multiple row objects expands subtrees / selects wrong row
GridComponent: Row change possible in case of errors
ResKey: Missing quoting of non-primitive arguments
setting the value of an ordered association may lead to NullPointerException
Synthetic `UpdateChainLink` chain of `KBDataProducerTask` leads nowhere
ScriptingRecorder logs error while translating
"Container" for new grid line not mandatory, but hidden NPE when value is deleted
Potential NullPointerException when sorting the results of a quick search
Assertion error when setting incompatible value in ComplexField
NPE in the script recorder, when saving the script.
GanttChartExporter uses vulnerable library JTidy unnecessarily
HttpUnit uses vulnerable library JTidy
Quick search: Null pointer exception when clicking with GUI inspector on text field
Quick search: Search for phrases and terms with (Lucene) control characters does not work
Display of the "Templates" field in the form editor leads to errors
Label-For defective
Discarding not possible during DirtyHandling with multiple editors
Boolean mandatory fields no longer trivalent
User history does not update
Javascript error during window resize
Missing theme reset on "reload theme".
Unnecessary check for unsaved changes when reordering columns in the grid
Wrong position when fix. Column is dragged into flex area
Toolbar buttons do not appear multiline in table title
Tooltip of the column remains after reordering
Placeholder animation instead of table row in each table cell
Partial CSS class duplicates in table cells
Missing default icons after theme reload
Gallery attribute looks broken
Incremental TreeTable updates can destroy sort order
Configured row height of the table header is not used
Commands to start services are executable for all users with read permission to the service editor
Beacon fields display huge icon in "immutable" status in Dezent theme
Duplicate PropertyDescriptor when collecting with unordered properties
Missing key property when ConfigurationItem is overwritten
Missing consideration of the annotation ReferenceDisplay in compositions
RowClassProviders are ignored
Unnecessary execution of the "visibleButtonCount" control command
NPE when linking help pages in other help pages


DropDown with tooltip
Check-Changed dialog (much) too small
No display of error text in composition tables
Selection of the grid disappears with F5


Close dialogs by clicking on background
No export of HTML attributes to Excel possible
<pre>-formatted text collapses to one line in HTML fields
Administration: Maintenance mode does not work properly
Incorrect preassignment in the chart JS template
Tree - Tables: Selection of multiple row objects expands subtrees / selects wrong row
GridComponent: Row change possible in case of errors
Potential NullPointerException when sorting the results of a quick search
Quick search: Search for phrases and terms with (Lucene) control characters does not work
Label-For defective
Discarding not possible during DirtyHandling with multiple editors
Boolean mandatory fields no longer trivalent
Simple installation method with Docker
InfoService new with timestamp and different CSS classes
Missing theme reset on "reload theme".
Gallery attribute looks broken
Commands to start services are executable for all users with read permission to the service editor
Beacon fields display huge icon in "immutable" status in Dezent theme
Missing consideration of the annotation ReferenceDisplay in compositions
Transfer documentation to the applications


Dynamic subscription to model events through UI elements
Deploy TopLogic as open source
Model editor: sub-structuring of modules


TableModel: Optimized insertion of many objects
Render forms via HTML templates
Render tooltips via HTML templates
Move declaration of ThemeVar to Icons classes
Declare TabBar HTML Template
Declare ButtonComponent HTML Template
Remove modules outside tl-engine from dependency management of tl-parent-all
Show dual licensing in source files


Scheduler: Task execution fails with longer results