Keyword: Code migration


Context menu
Create new views in the application
JavaDoc for Top-Logic


Grid: Unification of selection behavior
File upload via drag&drop directly from the client's file system
Grid: merging filter and sort buttons in column header
Tables: Evaluation row
Replace hardcoded icon references with theme variables
Simplify the "Document lock" function.
Persistence of settings in selection dialogs
Simplified layout templates with calculated alias variables
Optionally inherit type default from attribute annotations
Enter translations for `ResKey`s in declarative forms


Parameterize renderer
Update Jetty to 9.4.22
Make TLKafkaProducer extensible.
Layout refactoring: restructure (admin) layouts so that .layout.xml and component XML are adjacent
No points in environment variables
Customization of grid layouts in the Element module
Remove hard icon reference in grid.xml
Dealing with large file sizes during uploads through file drops
Introduce feature sets in StructuredTextConfigService
Make FormEditor dialog in a programmatic dialog
Enhanced API for TypedAnnotatable
Specify a reason if lines cannot be removed

Nice to have

Dump JSP into the standard maintenance pages


Incorrect dialog name in POSDelegateStructureHTMLTree


RiskItemFactory: Switch to typed configuration
Upload of a document version via drag & drop without lock not possible

Nice to have

Unnecessary import in SubtypesProvider