When removing InApp components, the components that have references to this deleted component are adjusted.
For example, if you delete a tab, the layout reference in the tab bar must be removed. In the case of the tabbar, the references are in a list-value property.
In the case of list- and map-value properties, this can lead to them becoming "empty", i.e. the last entry is removed. If the root component of a tab is deleted, i.e. the set of its components is "empty", the user has no possibility to add content to the tab.
It is better to reset the property if the last entry is removed. This also has the advantage that the default, which is usually a placeholder component, is set and thus the user can continue configuring directly.
Create a tab and display a table with all contacts. Then delete the table. The deleted view should be replaced by a placeholder component. In particular, a "+" should appear in the toolbar to replace this view with other components.