When editing TL-Doc pages, sometimes saving the page is not possible. No error message appears, but the content is reset to the value that existed before the change. All new changes are lost. Currently the editor sends the data on a blur event, which is sometimes slower than the actual saving. You can also deliberately provoke this error by delaying the expression services.form.sendValueUpdate(content, controlId, data, false, null); by a timeout in /com.top_logic.layout.wysiwyg/webapp/script/wysiwyg.js in editor.on('blur', function(evt ).
Instead of listening to the blur event, change is now listened to in order to catch all changes in time. So that a request is not sent with every small change, the function services.ajax.executeOrUpdateLazy is used at this point. The changes are then also transmitted to the server only when saving.
Edit pages in TL-Doc and save every now and then. No changes should be lost.